שאלה | שאלות לגבי גיבוי מחיצת userdata
לגבי הפוסט הזה
רק תוהה, האם המדריך הזה בכלל לגיטימי?
ברור שאפשר לגבות את מחיצת userdata. אבל איך אפשר למחוק את כל האפסים הריקים מהבינארי אחרי זה??? תמיד ידעתי שגיבויים משופרים באמצעות WwrMtk.
האם אפשר לצרוב אותה בלי למחוק את האפסים הריקים? כמו, לצרוב userdata שלמה של 20 ג'יגה שרובה ריקה...
למי מחיצת ה-userdata לא מוצפנת?
מישהו יכול להאיר את עיניי בבקשה? -
Ok the truth is that I don't fully understand the user data partition, but I will try to answer the best I can, the partition size does not actually represent the user data, the data is a lot smaller and the 0 in the partition are just empty memory that are filled with zeros, that's why you can just delete the extra zeros, although I wouldn't advise deleting all the way until the first bit that is not a zero from the end for 2 reasons 1 even a zero could be part of the data 2 the build of most data in binary is to have blocks of bytes and therefore the amount of bytes have to be divisible by a specific number (so you might have to add padding of zeros to a partition for it to be usable) just like in lpmake the super size needs to be devisable by 512
So you can flash the userdata as is but there is no reason to rewrite zeros for a few minutes
I didn't understand exactly you question about the userdata being encrypted -
You indeed didn't understand but thanks for trying.
I was looking for some kinda way to backup usersata partition without the empty bytes - something which I now do with ADB.
It's not the best approach but it works. Using dd command.