עבר אמנם זמן אבל עכשיו יצא לי לנסות את chat GPT ולבקש ממנו שיכתוב לי כזה סקריפט
התוצאה לפניכם
import requests
import feedparser
# Replace this with the URL of the RSS feed you want to download podcasts from
rss_url = "https://podcasts.com/rss-feed"
# Parse the RSS feed
feed = feedparser.parse(rss_url)
# Loop through all the entries in the feed
for entry in feed.entries:
# Get the URL of the podcast episode
episode_url = entry.link
# Download the podcast episode
response = requests.get(episode_url)
# Save the podcast episode to a file
with open(f"{entry.title}.mp3", "wb") as f:
אגב, בסוף תוכנת ה AI לא שכחה לכתוב לי את ההערה הבאה
This script fetches the RSS feed using the requests library, parses it using ElementTree, and then iterates over all the items (podcast episodes) in the feed. For each episode, it extracts the title and URL, prints them, and then downloads the episode using the requests library and saves it to a file.
Note that this is a very simple implementation that doesn't handle errors or perform any error checking. In a real-world application, you would need to add additional error handling and other features to make the script more robust.