Chat transcript for case: 3-5850000037108 19 באוג׳, 6:22 (שעון מערב ארה״ב) 6:22:22 Bryan: Bryan joined the conversation 6:22:22 דוד: דוד joined the conversation 6:22:23 Bryan: Welcome! Your Case ID is 3-5850000037108. Refer to this if you need to contact us again. 6:22:35 Bryan: We use translation technologies to offer assistance in this language. Please excuse us if there are any errors. 6:22:43 Bryan: Thanks for being a Google One member. My name is Bryan. How are you today? 6:23:01 Bryan: I can see here that you need assistance with Google Pay , am I right? 6:23:11 דוד: כן 6:23:28 דוד: כתבתי הכל לפני זה 6:24:10 Bryan: I understand that you're having an error on your google pay. 6:24:12 Bryan: am I right? 6:24:32 דוד: צילום מסך.jpg 6:24:38 דוד: כן 6:25:31 Bryan: Thanks for the screenshot. 6:25:49 Bryan: By any chance, may I know what are you trying to purchase? 6:26:25 דוד: אני מנסה להוסיף כרטיס לגוגל פיי כדי לשלם איתו 6:26:51 דוד: מעיון במסמכים העזרה נראה שהבעייה היא סטטוס האישור של Play Protect לא מאושר 6:27:22 Bryan: May I know what are you trying to pay? 6:27:27 דוד: אפילו שהמכשיר מופיע בברשימת המכשירים שאושרו 6:27:29 דוד: 6:28:16 Bryan: Thanks for that information. 6:29:02 Bryan: Just to set your proper expectation, my expertise is regarding with google one. To transfer this chat to the right department. May I know what are you trying to pay? 6:29:25 Bryan: Is it a subscription? 6:29:36 Bryan: Or an application? 6:29:44 דוד: אני מנסה לשלם עם המכשיר שלי באפליקציה 6:30:20 Bryan: What are you trying to purchase? 6:30:44 דוד: אני נתקל בשגיאה לפני הרכישה 6:30:54 Bryan: Are you referring to Google wallet? 6:31:00 דוד: כן 6:31:37 Bryan: Allow me to place this chat on hold up to 3 minutes to check my resources. 6:31:43 דוד: OK 6:34:26 Bryan: Thanks for patiently waiting. 6:34:48 Bryan: Just to set expectations, my expertise is regarding Google One. It looks like this issue can be best handled by a specialist from the Google Pay support team. It’ll take me just a moment to get in touch with them. If for any reason it takes more than 2-3 minutes, I’ll check back to let you know I am still here 6:35:45 Bryan: Thanks for waiting. 6:36:15 Bryan: Upon checking on my end. Google pay has only chat english support team. 6:36:41 Bryan: Would that be okay? 6:36:44 דוד: אתכתב איתם עם תרגום 6:36:47 דוד: OK 6:36:52 Bryan: Thanks for understanding. 6:36:59 Bryan: Kindly stay connected 6:37:31 Bryan: Bryan added participant(s): Bella 6:37:32 Bella: Bella joined the conversation 6:37:34 Bryan: Bryan left the conversation 6:38:10 Bella: Thank you for contacting Google support. My name is Bella. 6:38:52 Bella: May I know if you can switch to english as you have reached to the Google Pay English support. 6:39:06 דוד: OK 6:40:08 Bella: Thank you. 6:40:25 Bella: I understand that you are facing the error code when you are trying to add the payemnt method. 6:40:40 דוד: YES 6:41:18 Bella: Thank you for confirming. 6:42:28 דוד: I can't add a credit card written That my phone does not meet the security requirements 6:42:50 Bella: Not to worry here, let me check what best I can do for you. 6:43:50 דוד: From looking at Google's help docs it seems the issue is the Play Protect certification status of my device 6:43:57 Bella: Upon checking the details of your account you will not be able to use the Google Wallet as your device does not meet the security requiremnt. 6:44:12 Bella: This error message usually means that you've unlocked your bootloader, installed a custom ROM, or rooted your device. This could also occur if you've installed a developer version of the Android OS. 6:44:27 Bella: Also this allows for greater customization of your device. However, the result is that the Google Pay app can't be used on the device because Google can't verify the security of your device. 6:44:36 Bella: If you need help making your phone compatible with the Google Pay app, I request you to please contact your device manufacturer and check if there is an option to lock the bootloader as they have more visibility and access to this. 6:44:46 Bella: You can also contact them if you’re not sure how your device has been customized. Otherwise, you may want to use the Google Pay app on a different eligible 6:44:55 דוד: On my device it says no certificate but my version is an original version 6:45:47 Bella: In this case I would suggest you check with the manufacturer. 6:46:01 דוד: My device is in the list of approved devices 6:46:34 Bella: I totally understand your point. 6:46:52 Bella: I totally understand 6:47:00 דוד: But in the help documents it says that if the device appears in the list of supported devices, you should contact Google 6:47:43 Bella: I would suggest you to check with the device manufacturer as your device is eligible to make the contactless payments. 6:48:30 דוד: My device is eligible It is a fact that it appears in the list of Google devices 6:48:51 דוד: And with the help of Google it says to contact Google not the manufacturer 6:50:10 דוד: צילום מסך 2024-08-19 164951.png 6:50:13 דוד: 6:50:53 Bella: I understand your point, however there is a issue with device security we see the bootloader is locked which is stopping you from using Google wallet. 6:52:08 Bella: As you can understand Google wallet deals with your payments information, any customization on your device is not eligible to use the wallet. 6:52:57 דוד: So do you need to open the bootloader? 6:54:26 Bella: Once you contact the device manufacturer they will check the customization and will do the needful. 6:54:44 Bella: Let them know that you are unable to make tap and pay payments. 6:55:03 Bella: You can show this chat as a proof so that they can understand the situation better. 6:55:50 דוד: Can I get a copy of the chat by email? 6:56:18 Bella: Once we end the chat you will get an option to get the copy of the chat. 6:56:43 דוד: OK 6:57:22 דוד: After I unlocked the bootloader it should work automatically? 6:58:42 Bella: Yes it should work. 6:58:59 דוד: OK 6:59:15 Bella: I appreciate your understanding. 6:59:34 Bella: Is there anything else apart from this I can help you with today? 7:00:01 דוד: NO 7:00:12 Bella: It was a pleasure chatting with you today. 7:00:23 Bella: Bella left the conversation 7:00:23 Bella: Thank you for contacting Google Chat Support. Now that your chat session has ended, we would appreciate your feedback via our survey at 7:00:23 Bella: Bella ended the conversation